Popular for his portrayal of the new-age Anurag Basu in the "Kasautii" reboot, actor Parth Samthaan is all set to create waves with his new look and style in his newly launched show "Main Hero Boll Raha Hoon", currently airing on AltBalaji and Zee5. The actor interacted with media on Tuesday in a virtual press meet and as usual, won hearts with his peppy persona and quick replies. Dressed in black, the suave and charming Parth Samthaan looked poised and geared to answer questions about his show. Just as the title suggests, the show set in the 90s portrays a young man’s journey into the big bad underworld and subsequently his entry into the quintessential silver screen (a la D Company). On challenges of playing the protagonist Nawab... Soon after wrapping up the shoot for "Kasautii Zindagi Kay", I had to start the shoot for Main Hero Boll Raha Hoon. I had to switch from a Bengali chocolate boy image to a 90s era boy who wants to rule ‘ akkha ’ Mumbai. The...
Let me begin my blog by paying a tribute to good old Doordarshan. If I do not do this, I would fail all loyal telly lovers whose first love was DD right from its inception. After AIR, it was a lifeline for people across all spheres of life. I can vouch for one thing that DD lovers would not have missed the daily news or 'Chitrahaar' (new film songs) or the "Rangoli" (old retro numbers) on Sunday mornings. Check this link: http://8ate.blogspot.com/2009/10/famous-old-faces-of-doordarshan.html History DD had an extremely modest beginning with the experimental telecast starting in Delhi on 15 September 1959 with a small transmitter and a makeshift studio. The regular daily transmission started in 1965 as a part of All India Radio. The television service was extended to Bombay (now Mumbai) and Amritsar in 1972. Till 1975, seven Indian cities had television service and Doordarshan remained the only television channel in India. Television services were separated from radio ...