Director-actor-singer Farhan Akhtar, son of Javed Akhtar, should ideally have a lot of airs about his labels. Yet he unassumingly talks about his adventures, dreams and movies in a candid tête-à-tête with Priya Rajendran . His film "Luck By Chance", which is also his sister Zoya's directorial debut, was screened today at the 11th Osian's Cinefan Festival. Farhan Akhtar looked like he was ready to talk. Yet one would think he is a reserved guy who only talks through his movies, but here, he surprised people by having a decent discussion and chat about his latest ventures, music, Rock On!! and his sister Zoya. Having donned so many hats, he would come across to people like a totally confused guy - sometimes dabbling with music, his singing, music composer, director and actor. A multi-talented persona, belonging to a rich, cultural family, son of Javed Akhtar, should ideally have a lot of airs about his labels. Read my article at
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